Monday, May 25, 2009

Other funstuff in 8 months

Daddy Mummy have bought me a tricycle, it's so cool and I had so much fun riding in it!!! Notice it'a mousy tricycle wo...

On a rare weekend that Daddy is not working, we went to Marina Barrage with Gong Gong... It's a pity that Ah Mah is still working so wasn't able to join us.

Every morning I will watch TV with Gong Gong, or rather Gong Gong will watch TV with me cos we're watching cartoon!!! Hee.... See how engrossed we are!!

Hmmm.... Something doesn't feels right... (opps... daddy had secretly slip a moo moo mask on my forehead).

Having fun at Parkway Parade Swensen...

Last but not least, I will stand and shower like an adult these days.... hee hee (growing up growing up!!!)

Mummy just put a stool for me to hold onto and I'll stand in the bathtub (so that it won't be too slippery) for showering. Sometimes after shower, I will still enjoy sitting in the bathtub and play with water.


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