坐船了!!Yeah!! Go Go Go!!!
Daddy, Mummy and 妹妹 who is catching her beauty nap.
Daddy look!! Candid Shot!! Taken by kor kor(小舅)!!
Centre Pic: Ah Mah! Did you see my Thomas train??
Extreme Right Pic: Hmmmm.... i wonder where are we going?
小舅 taking a photoshot with Mummy and 妹妹.
妹妹 is one of the youngest baby ever saw by the staffs of Club Med so they can't resist taking a photo with her. Hee Hee!!
Warning!! Warning to All boys back off, i am in charge of 保护妹妹!!
So no funny stuff. Shoo shoo...
Hello Bear Bear, you will be my best friend, ok? Hugs Hugs and Big Big Kiss. Hmmmmmmmuack!!
What's holiday without Swimming???
Dinner is delicious!! Ahhh.... Yummy!!