I had a pleasant surprise on the day I turn 20 Month - 妹妹 decided to arrive earlier to this funny old world. Which means I'm exactly 20 months older then 妹妹.
Mummy just before giving birth to 妹妹!!
Left: Mummy before heading to hospital (2hr before birth)
Right: Mummy in labour ward, she was already 7cm dilated (half an hour before birth), but look at the smile!!
妹妹is very guai to choose a timing that Daddy is home and she didn't let mummy suffer a long labour pain.
Just like me, from start till labour, we only took 2hrs!!!
Look at the Joy on Daddy Mummy face...
Kor Kor give big big hug and big big kiss!!
She was 36weeks 2 days old.
Let me proudly introduce to you my beloved 妹妹
Name: 白恩萁, Shanese
Arrived: Monday, 26-Apr-10
Time: 8.52am
Weight: 2.775kg
Length: 49cm